It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Old Oak Tree......

I went out this afternoon on a blip hunt ya do!

Jumped in the car and got going and suddenly thought?.... Where do I go!

I headed out to Farnborough again. I cant believe how muddy the country roads are now! So much rain now its getting beyond a joke.

So I pulled in to a layby and walked squelched through a field to get some nice tree and cloud shots. I did get pretty muddy and there's nowhere to put your camera bag apart from muddy ground...(I hate doing that).

Got several pics I liked but this one was my favourite as mono really brings out the detail in the clouds as they splayed out behind the tree.
I hope you like it and I have done everything I can think of to make it compositionally correct!
Woo big words for this time of night....but hey this is The Dragons Time ;-)

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Thanks for getting yesterdays Blip to the Spotlight. :-)

Draco Dragon xx

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