It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

The Milky Way.......

Oh my goodness what a day for photos!

Been a busy busy bee today I can tell ya!!
Went to Draycote Water for a set of portrait shots of my hairdressers grandson, and got some nice sunset ones too and on the way home Paula and I got some nice reflections in a flooded field.

So when I got home I had to walk poor Diesel who had waited so patiently all day for me bless him.
However on arriving at our field....what do I see with my naked eye but THE MILKY WAY!!! OMG I didn't bring camera gear ;-(

Twice round the field and back home, fed Diesel and went straight back out in the car and set up the tripod and gear 16-35mm lens :-)
I couldn't believe I actually got it!!! Yipeee

Flickr Shots

Now though I am not ready for work and am in even more of a rush than normal...If that's at all possible! lol

The Happy Galaxy Hunting Dragon xx

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