
By briocarioca

Bananas are off for now

I planned to post some bananas for Lady Findhorn's fruit plate, but they were far too green and besides, it was nearly dark by the time I got a shot at them. So....they were setting up for a wedding at the golf club when we arrived - draperies, tables set with cobalt blue glasses and baskets of yellow lilies and asters, feathery greenery and white flowers suspended from the beams. Three flower-bedecked picture frames hung at the edge of the veranda, but it took another member showing his children how one framed a tree and another caught the clouds that I realized the artistry of it. So thank you, Carlos André, for opening my eyes and giving me a blip opportunity.

Had lunch with some friends who have just bought a house up here, and then went back with them to see their new home. Quite an eye-opener, we went up and up and got a bird's eye view of whole areas of the town that we had never glimpsed before. We also met Lucky, the dog who just happened to have been abandoned outside the gate the day they went to settle the deal. He now has his own house in a corner of their garage, and a whole new happy life.

Finally got home to our own two pooches, but there was nearly bloodshed on the plot. When I set off down the drive to walk them, Kayla headed straight for the caretaker's house to taunt their dog, who broke her chain and the two started a vicious fight, rolling down the hill. No bucket of water to throw, so I was reduced to grabbing Kayla's tail and hauling her off - by which time Pepsi had joined in the fray. Bundled Kayla into the car and separated the other two by dint of a lot of shouting and stick waving by me, the caretaker and his grandson. So much for peaceful weekends.

After all that, comfort food (bacon and eggs) and two films on the box. The weekend is looking like a weekend again.

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