Signs of spring

A very full and rather exhausting day - still, it seemed to go quite well. The anticipated gurning didn't really materialise. And, by baling out a little early at the end I managed to get an earlier train up from KX than I'd anticipated - I still didn't get home until about 10 pm though, so apart from greeting Mr H and accepting the delicious hoppy beer that he poured out for me I was good for nothing but sleeping.

On my way across to the campus in the morning I could see and hear numerous small birds tweeting and flitting about - they definitely seem to have decided that spring is here. I'm concerned for them because we haven't had any proper winter to speak of yet and it could still happen and freeze their little toes off. Particularly cute were some long-tailed tits who seemed to be following me along the path, alighting quite close to me but never for long enough for me to get a photo. So I had to settle for some non-moving catkins.

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