Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The secret

The secret of
change is to focus
all of your energy,
not on fighting the
old, but on building
the new.


Wise man…
My day didn't start as I planned it… I really, really need to set the alarm on weekends also… Woke up 20 minutes to 11!!! I couldn't believe it! Most of the morning gone! And, not to forget that soggy feeling in your head that comes along with sleeping to long…That feeling that not really goes away even after several cups of tea… Well, fortunately I did manage to do some house chores and get out to the stores in my neighborhood. When I returned the sky was glorious. Stopping for a photo was necessary! :)
My plan was to first go shopping and then take a 'walk' so I already had most of my training clothes on. Since I was so tired I told myself that a short walk in the woods was all I needed to do - I probably wouldn't be able to jog because of all the snow we've gotten lately. In with the groceries and out the door I went. And it became quite the opposite! :D I jogged most of the way, only walked when I was really tired and then jogged again. My legs really wanted to jog so... :) It was so nice!! I think I will feel it tomorrow, though… :) No problem to jog in the woods, the path's still rather open because of much use from people. I happy as long as it stays that way!

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