We are family

This weekend has been ace!

I've had quality time with Mr A, which is always great. We spent yesterday shopping & have ordered a new dining table & chairs its a glass table, we don't have kids so it should stay clean!. We then decided to go to the local for an hour in the afternoon; that turned into a bit of a sesh, with a Chinese meal thrown in for good measure!

Today, Mr A was up early & off to Chelsea for the match (another loss) which left me to my own devices. After the household chores, I went to my sisters for a bit then she decided to tag along with me to visit Mum.

Theo was a little monkey, spraying mummy with food again and blowing raspberries . He's developing his own personality now which is cute to see. He's such a little poser; he will do something then look to see if you're watching him.

In this photo, he was meant to be having his nappy changed, but as soon as my sister left the room, he rolled over, looked at me and laughed!

Little tinker :-)

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