You lookin' at me?

This is an early blip I know, but we are just home from the funniest Friday evening we've ever had at Laura & Steve's.

We saw a photo recently where someone had bought googly eyes and stuck them on stuff in the fridge. We thought it was a great idea so Mr A ordered a bag of them from eBay.

We set about sticking them in the fridge then added them on ornaments and the stag's head
in the downstairs loo.

We spent ages trying to get Laura to get something from the fridge; we knew when she had as she roared laughing!

The funniest part of the night was when Steve decided to try them for size. We laughed so hard our sides ached and we could hardly breathe! In fact, Mr A was doubled over and Laura ended up on the floor laughing.

As I type this, we are both still giggling but agree it was the best £1.40 we've ever spent!

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