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By erincamilleee

How Do You Know When You NEED To Do Laundry Again?

The answer to that scrumptious riddle is : When your laundry basket looks like mine does. YIKES.
I pretty much have no more clothes in my closet. They are all on the floor. But I just can't bring myself to wash ALL of THAT. I mean, I'll wash a load or two every Saturday, but by the end of the week it looks like this again. I think on Thursday or something I'm just going to do a whole butt load of laundry. LAUNDRY PARTY AT MY HOUSE THURSDAY!

Mm, anyways, I wanna go see Paranormal Activity with my friend but I think I won't be able to go to sleep ever again if I do. Everyone is saying they cried of fear. I'm like "OH CRUD" but it makes me wanna see it even more, to see if they are BIG FAT LIARS! I don't know. I probably won't see it. Plus my mom thinks I shouldn't and says I should ask my dad and see if he'll let me. I don't know. Maybe her thinking I shouldn't is a sign. Maybe not. Or MAYBE I'm just making a big deal out of seeing a movie. I think imma go with the last option. ;)

I LOVE AUNT DEBBIE! I wanna go see herr! .<3.

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