l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

Did you fart, cause you blew me away.

I have been having crazy butt dreams lately. They are trippy. My dreams should be movies. OH YES, I'M COOL;)

Okay, so how sweet is my mom? She saw my blip and while I was at school did my laundry. I FEEL LIKE SUCH A LITTLE KID(: ha. She thought I was gonna be mad - cuzzz normally I like to do it, but this time I didn't care! - so on my way home from school she goes, "Don't be mad" and I go "oh crud, what happened" in my head and then she's like "I did your laundry" and I was like "ooh haha thanks" and then she said "you're welcome" the end.

Anyways, I was laughing so hard today that my sides hurt. Oh I love my family.

Ehhh, cleaned BG's today. Sweeping was my favorite part. Everything else is cleaning. I don't like to clean, but I like money. So I guess this is how it must be.

Anyways, Jack Johnson is singing me Banana Pancakes. That's just so sweet of him. I really like this song(:

Errrr, that's all.

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