Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Frosty and Freezing

Have been awake the whole night with Lola whimpering, talking and a few barks and scratching in between. Must have walked up and down the stairs at least 30 times, my stiff legs are proof. Seems she's got a few separation anxiety issues, not sure how to fix it, but hoping lots of love and attention from us will help. She doesn't go to the toilet at all during the day and it seems she waits for the newspapers to go down at night!!! Hopefully that will come right too.

Blaine woke with a headache this morning, could be from lack of sleep but didn't tell me 'till after school when he said he still had it! He's got a bit of a cough too.

Had my abdominal ultrasound today, so need to wait for about a week to see my Dr about the results - things take so long here!

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