Don't Poop On Me!

I don't know why anybody feeds pigeons... why encourage them and give them the fire power to poop on you in crowded public places?! And... what in the world are parents thinking having their kids submit to such filthy contact with 100's of these beasts. Flying rats!!!

OK, by now you understand that I don't like pigeons. My first two years in Italy I had a nice loft apartment with beautiful open eaves on the ceiling and little sound proofing. coo-coo-coo- until it just penetrates every fiber in your brain. And then those silly mornings when you realize one of the beasts has flown in through the grated window... and a funny chase with the broom through the great room to get them off the rafters and towards a window. And- of course- lots of poop to clean up after scarying the poor beast out of its wits. Hopefully not on your bed or on the kitchen table!

Then why did I move in so close for a picture. Yes, I hate them. ....I don't know. Still seemed like a good picture.

And, thankfully, no poop for my profit. shew.... :)

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