
By Fisherking

...........what a day.......

Apologies for blipping this late....but when you read this you'll know why.

I had an experience today that I don't ever want to have again.

First fishing match of the year....Shaun wasn't there....his missus is still I was running the show.

14 anglers..........draw at 9.00. I drew peg 17.....Roy drew 18.......Sam drew 19.....Gordon drew 16.

We had our one hour preparation time and I called the "all-in"..........10 minutes into the match I looked to my left and saw that Gordon was off his seat.....he was rubbing his left shoulder....and was a chilly morning but he wasn't wearing his hat or coat.

I got up and went to see if he was o.k.....he said that he'd pulled a muscle in his shoulder shipping his pole out....and he looked rough...pale and sweating and trembling. I thought he had done more than pull a muscle.....maybe dislocated something.

We talked and he decided he needed to go home...I suggested an ambulance but he flat out refused. He sat in his car while Roy, Sam and I packed up his gear. I had another close look at him and he looked worse...but he still insisted that he was going home and would be o.k. I decided I should pack up my gear and drive him home...followed by someone to bring me back for my gear.

As I was putting my stuff away......Gordon started his engine and drove off!

I phoned Shaun and asked him to phone Gordon in 30 minutes to make sure he'd got home o.k.........and then I sat and stared at the water...and slowly ....I began to think....pale......sweating....trembling......pain in upper left couldn't be ....could it?.... a heart attack? Gordon is a retired plumber so he's been used to hard work....there's not a spare ounce on him......he doesn't drink much......he does smoke....but not as much as me.

Shaun rang me answer at Gordon's house...and I began to think some more....what if it was a heart attack...and he collapsed wile driving...he could kill himself...or someone else....and I began to tremble.

30 minutes later Shaun rang back....he'd spoken to Gordon's wife....she had taken no nonsense when he got home and dialed 999....the paramedics confirmed he had suffered a heart attack!

I stayed at the fishing...because I had to end the match....and weigh in....but couldn't concentrate....and neither could the others who'd been close by.

At home with the family the phone rang again.......Shaun.... Gordon's wife had been in touch....he was in Manchester Royal Infirmary....he'd had a stent fitted.....and was feeling better....and will be o.k. His wife wanted to thank me for all I had done and to reassure me that even if I had called an ambulance Gordon probably wouldn't have got in it.

I was still shaken....not just from watching someone have an attack right in front of my eyes....but at just how useless I had been....I'm a biologist, married to a nurse for God's sake.

I was still shaky when I went out for a beer with D and B....and I had a terrible nights sleep.......I kept waking up in panic.

I don't ever want that experience again....but if it happens... I won't mess about...I'll ring 999 straight away....

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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