
By Fisherking

....shush, I'm concentrating!..........

Up bright and early to the bait Shaun...he's not fishing I'm in charge.

The S & H delivered Charlie around 10.00...he and YH are starting to pack up the house for the big move...probably next weekend.

The Daughter and the Boss took Charlie out to the local city farm......they had a great time with the cows and calves, pigs and piglets, rabbits, goats, donkeys, sheep, chickens, turkeys, peacocks, snakes etc etc...............Me?......I stayed home and wrote up my observation notes from yesterday.

The trippers got home around 4.00....the S & H, YH and Hannah turned up around 4.30....we fed everybody....a huge cottage pie.....and ice cream....although Charlie insisted on a "Creme camamum"...........and then some of my ice cream!

They'll all be back for roast beef dinner tomorrow, around 5.00 when I get home......a beer for me later with D and B....and that's it....the weekend done....back to the grindstone...........although I haven't checked the Lottery tonight....well I can dream can't I?

This is Hannah staring at the wall unit behind the sofa....I think it's the four Babushka dolls that are attracting her attention.

Das vidanya moy padruga....I'll comment tomorrow...time for an early(ish) night.

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