
By Indy653

A Card for Auntie Margaret

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."
-Robert A. Heinlein

This was the quote on the card I sent to Aunt Margaret today for her 91st birthday on Thursday. The photo is at her party on her 90th, last year. Although almost thirty years older than me Margaret is actually my first cousin. She had 3 girls and was married to my favourite uncle, Bob. As an only child I found it quite magical on my frequent stays with them in Angus on holidays and weekends. Her daughters all shared a bedroom and had lots of romance picture comics under their beds. As we grew older Uncle Bob would sit up late with us talking politics. It was all very different to home, much as I also loved my rather quieter Glasgow life! Uncle Bob was killed in a car accident while giving someone a lift home, just at the time when the girls had flown the nest and Margaret and he could have enjoyed their time together. Margaret, although devastated, rebuilt her life helping at play school, serving on committees and working in a charity shop. She is the least self-pitying person I know - and what a character! She loves a Martini in the bath when staying at her daughter's and is always up for some fun. Margaret and Bob played a huge part in my early life - and were probably responsible for me having a large family myself. I'll always be grateful to them! Happy Birthday on Thursday, Margaret!

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