
By Fisherking

........sad,sad day...........

Pasha the cat left us today.

She was 19 years old....we've had her for 16 years....ever since we took her from a friend.

She was a Bengal Leopard cat and had been bred quite a lot....we had her chipped and spayed and she became our family pet.

She almost talked....she would bite your cheek if she was in a really good mood........she was a real hunter....and she ruled the roost in the neighbourhood...couldn't stand other cats....even our other cat Buster.

But lately she hasn't been well....she went deaf a few years ago.....her eyesight was fading....she couldn't see her water in her bowl.......she had a cough....and she was stiff and didn't move well.....she often couldn't keep her food down......but she still climbed up (slowly) and sat on your knee....she still purred....and she was big mates with Charlie...she even deigned to have the odd sniff at Hannah.

The Boss drew the short straw of taking her to the vets....and the vet agreed that her quality of life was such...and she had so little time left...that it was the kindest thing. We've paid a small fortune to have her ashes back and we're going to scatter her in her patch....the back she'll still be with us.

I think I might have a drink or two tonight.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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