More Snow

I woke up this morning in time to see a spectacular sunrise. Did I get out of bed and grab my camera? No, I did not. I thought about it. Then I went back to sleep for another thirty minutes. When I woke up the second time, cloud cover replaced the peach colored sky and then the snow started coming down. By late morning, the ground was covered and the weather service was saying we would get up to a foot of snow by late tonight. Well, it is still snowing like crazy and it is now 8 p.m. It looks like we will get that foot of snow.
We had to go out to pick my granddaughter up from the sitter and I took this photo of the railroad bridge down the block from my house. My husband was driving and the roads were horrible but I asked him to stop so I could run out of the car to get this shot. Just picture the wind whipping the snow around with near zero visibility and the temperature only 15 F. I am sure he thinks I am half a nut some days for doing this but he humors me anyway. I only had my phone with me so it is not the greatest picture but the snow was pretty much the event of the day.
When my granddaughter got in the car her boots were covered in snow and she loved it! About half way home, she complained that the snow on her boots had melted and she wanted to know why. It took the rest of the way home explaining to a three year old about why things melt. My eye was twitching by the time we got home but I think she gets it!

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