Sarah's Challenge

By Sarah2

Abu Dhabi

Some hours and 3500+ miles later, I'm in Abu Dhabi. I think it's a new day in England so I'm not cheating on my blips.

Fancy airlines are so much better than budget airlines, it's such a treat! Not only do you get loads of free stuff, but it doesn't feel like the plane is going to fall apart at any minute. Which is nice.

My neighbour on the plane was very smelly, like a terrible combination of cheesy feet, alcohol sweats, stale smoke, and something else I couldn't name. I had to breathe through my blanket the whole way so I didn't gag. He was off to Thailand. Nice couple in front of me from Ilkley in Yorkshire were off to visit their daughter in New Zealand and stopping in Sydney on the way, so are on the same flight as me next.

From what I've seen of Abu Dhabi (limited as only from plane and airport) it's unbelievably flat and sandy. Not comparable to anywhere I've been before. The airport is not the dream, very very busy and chaotic. Not what I need! I've found I quiet spot to sit and do this blip though. Also need to repack my rucksack and I just had a complete nightmare in the toilets trying to find my toothbrush - showers in the toilets make for some wet rummaging. Main positive so far is that there was an amazing sunrise from the plane. Sorry I couldn't get a photo of it.

I'm very sleep and water deprived, so going to down some water before I get on the next plane, and hopefully sleep for some of the 13 hours. Also suffering a lot from back pain so I've bought a heat pad and some questionable pain relief gel because I'm already maxed out on pain killers. They cost me '46'. I have no idea what currency of 46 or what this equates to. I hope it's not a lot....

(Hi Mummy, this ramble is mainly for you, I'm not even sure it makes sense xx)

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