Sarah's Challenge

By Sarah2


Greetings from Sydney! I took this as we sat on a fairy light lit balcony bar over looking Bondi beach (you can just see some waves in the background). We shared a bottle of wine, which was delicious and quite challenging.

So, to update, second leg of the flight went very well and I slept for most of it. Arrived at the airport and breezed through immigration and customs and was reunited with my friend Meera at the baggage caurosel.

We checked into the hostel and are in different rooms. Shame, as it's really daunting being the new kid in the 10 person room. We went for a wander round the centre of Sydney and orientated ourselves a bit.

In the afternoon we hopped on a bus over to Bondi and went for our surfing lesson. Amazing 2 hours in 6ft waves and strong rips, with some fairly consistent almost standing on my part! Definitely more work to be done!

Spent the evening on the beach and having dinner which was really relaxing, and ended up at this bar. Both really tired, our eyes were slowly shutting as we sipped our wine.

Finally, we sat at the bus stop to get home and awaited our finals results....


We both passed, Meera with honours and a job offer. We have concluded this was the best day of 2014. Or our lives.

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