Air Hostess

Today's the day .................. to be looked after

I always wanted to be an air hostess when I was young.

It was such a glamorous job - wasn't it? - and you got to wear those very chic uniforms. I even wrote away and got all the details about what qualifications you needed to become one. In those days - the rules were very strict - and I wouldn't have qualified on two counts. I was too tall (more than 5ft 6ins) and I didn't have perfect vision (no spectacles allowed then?!)

Having spent a large part of today on our way from Hong Kong to Auckland being looked after by the air hostesses of Singapore Airlines - I think I've changed my mind now. It's bloomin' hard work and not at all glamorous keeping around 300 people happy in such a confined space.

Mind you - they still do look fabulous in those chic uniforms ..............

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