Hong Kong by night

Today's the day .................. to cross the water

A day of exploring Hong Kong with Will's cousin Julie - which started with a rendez-vous with June.

It was so lovely to see her in her home environment - something that we had really hoped might be possible. We met over lunch in a typically Chinese restaurant where you go to have Yumcha. It was just a shame that we were both a bit jet-lagged and didn't do proper justice to the spread of dumplings and other dishes that she introduced us to. Actually, her infectious enthusiasm and high spirits soon had us feeling much better!

We all took a tram into Central and while June went off to her studies, the three of us went to catch the Star Ferry from Hong Kong Island across to Kowloon. The view from there back across to the skyscrapers with the line of jagged peaks behind them is quite breath-taking - although it was a bit hazy for taking a good photograph. We explored the waterfront and had afternoon tea in the famous Peninsula Hotel. By the time we crossed back again on the ferry, dusk had descended and the Hong Kong nightscape took on an even more impressive look.

The day ended with dinner in one of the restaurants on The Peak - and another view of the city at night - this time looking down on it from above. All in all - just a fabulous day.

Thanks Julie ..............!

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