CarbBoy really frightened me this morning. After a night and morning going in to check on him and his feverish forehead, I finally found him awake at 8.30, sitting up in bed. "Zombies came in the night and killed me so I have to build a house." He exclaimed.
I diagnosed delerium... It was actually just Minecraft on his iPod! He only bought the game a few days ago, but it has quickly become a firm favourite.
In other news, the sofa ate my cable needle so I had to buy a new one - and the French ones have this handy V that stops it slipping out of the stitches. Never seen that before. Cushion production continues apace - number two is nearly done.
The non-knitting parts of the day were filled with research on finding an English-speaking assistant for our school, research on party venues in London, and some weeding.
And finally CarbBoy can eat again, and is smiling and happy about life. (Now, sleep...)
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