Low Flyer

It was a bit of a blip feast today, with several things out of the ordinary going on!

The first was Council workmen arriving in two lorries in the park behind our house to trim the lower branches of the dreaded sycamore trees. Not quite sure why they are doing this, as it would have been much better if they'd chopped down the whole trees:-) They all looked very colourful in their yellow jackets and hard hats, so took several shots of them.

Then there was a visit to the bird feeders by two pairs of greenfinches, who scoffed most of the sunflower seeds just after I put them out. The sparrows were not at all happy, but the greenfinches just totally ignored their protests:-)

While I was checking out the garden for signs of new life (our first snowdrops have appeared!), I heard an almighty roar in the sky above and this military helicopter appeared out of nowhere right above the trees. It was so low I could even see the two men sitting with their feet dangling out of the rear door. I struggled to focus the camera and it had started to move away, so it's not a brilliant shot, but it was quite unusual to see it so close!

It apparently went on to fly down the River Tay, as my husband, who was fishing the river, also saw it a few minutes later!

I spent the rest of the afternoon tackling the 3rd Module of the Forensic Science course I'm doing and my brain hurts now:-) It was very complicated, with lots of scientific terminology (much of which went over my head) and covered some of the aspects of DNA Profiling and Blood Pattern Analysis. It's given me an even greater respect for forensic biologists and the amount of knowledge they need to do their job.

We were also given additional information on the actual murder case we are investigating, but it has only served to make matters even more confusing! Still enjoying it very much in spite of this:-)

Thank you so much to everyone who sent messages of concern about Simba. He seems much brighter today, but there is still concern as he hasn't eaten anything yet. Perhaps he knows instinctively that he needs to give his tum a rest?

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