Not a Happy Chappie

It's been obvious for a day or two that Simba wasn't his usual self. He wasn't interested in his food or cat milk and hasn't actually eaten anything for a whole day now. He was also very lethargic and wanted to sit in unusual (for him) locations, like here by the coffee table or behind the TV unit.

So it was off to the vet with him this afternoon before things got any worse. It wasn't obvious to the vet what was wrong, but he was given an injection of antibiotics and an anti-inflamatory which should cover most eventualities. We've to take him back tomorrow if there's no improvement.

He seemed a bit brighter this evening, but we still haven't seen him eat or drink yet, so we'll just have to hope he will improve overnight. Most likely it's something he's eaten in the garden, but he never learns!

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