Rodents rule

By squirk

Food with friends

Two black-and-white blips in a row! That doesn't happen often with me since I usually find a bit of colour in a day. However, I was up early (especially for a Saturday) and, although the edges of the Lake District were beautiful from the train, I didn't take a picture. I was too busy thinking that I should visit the rolling hills sometime.

We arrived in Glasgow in the afternoon and walked to Sarah's in Partick. This building caught my eye as we walked over a huge section of fast motorway and twisting roads. The road network is not a picturesque sight to start a Glasgow trip with. Stepping into an offie to buy some booze, we were a little taken aback to find it and the shopkeeper caged in behind bars. Later, when mentioning this to my Glasgow friends, they were surprised that I hadn't noticed such caged goods before. Nope.

Fred and I had a fantastic time catching up with all our Glasgow friends and hearing all the connections that they had with each other (some didn't know the others, but found a few things and people in common). We'd gathered these friends together to celebrate our marriage last year. Our small wedding meant we couldn't invite everyone, so we are having a wedding tour (with many months between "venues"). Sarah very generously hosted at her flat and cooked an absolutely amazing feast. Fred and I helped make the brownies - Fred got into trouble for going freewheeling with the ingredients. Tremendous fun. Thank you, Sarah!

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