Shining through ...

I'm doing an abstract ... Cause GadgetKid did one (or two, or three!!) and I'm a big fat copy cat!!! She is my big sister after all and everything I know, I learnt from her, hahahaa ;-) love you GK!

So this is what I saw as I was unloading the dishwasher this morning. Our glasses looked so pretty all together and so I thought I'd take a picture and see what I could do with it with a filter. I'm semi pleased with it. Should have used the Nikon, but I was hurrying to get out the door.

Busy, full on day with physio, catching up with an old friend passing through, lunch with a girlfriend, housework, etc etc. plus one or two issues to deal with! All making for a day I'm glad to see the end of.

Oh, Martin's bought two new sleeping bags, so I'll hopefully be warmer this trip, I'm assuming they were both for me, LOL!

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