
By Indy653

'There was a Moose about our Hoose'

“When the little mouse, which was loved as none other was in the mouse-world, got into a trap one night and with a shrill scream forfeited its life for the sight of the bacon, all the mice in the district, in their holes were overcome by trembling and shaking; with eyes blinking uncontrollably they gazed at each other one by one, while their tails scraped the ground busily and senselessly. Then they came out, hesitantly, pushing one another, all drawn towards the scene of death. There it lay, the dear little mouse, its neck caught in the deadly iron, the little pink legs drawn up, and now stiff the feeble body that would so well have deserved a scrap of bacon.
The parents stood beside it and eyed their child's remains.”
― Franz Kafka, Blue Octavo Notebooks

Spare your tears - we didn't kill our mouse but lured it with chocolate into a humane trap. This is Steve setting it free on our road into Aberdeen this morning. For some reason he lets any mice caught out at the same spot - near a seat in a local wooded area. Does he think they're all related? Anyway according to Steve the last one - about 9 months ago - was quite dazed when it emerged and sat, gave itself a shake and then ran off. This morning I'd hoped to get a shot of the escapee but this one was the Usain Bolt of the rodent world and leapt to freedom at a rate of knots.

Finished my dental treatment considerably poorer but had a splitting headache and felt rubbish so skipped my exercise class and bar lunch with Anita in favour of a sleep on the sofa. Had spent all yesterday on the computer at work on timetable for prelims, so I'm blaming that but it might have been the late night at Book Club combined with a few glasses of wine. Am a bit annoyed at having wasted the afternoon - but feeling much better and hopefully, mouse free!

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