
Winter has arrived, an overnight frost and temperatures just above zero, leading to slippery roads and paths and mist hanging over the Ruhr.

It also led to a seven year old, sloth like retriever behaving like a juvenile delinquent, hooning about, in and out of streams, charging up hill away from us, chasing a small innocent little dog who was minding his own business, trying to keep up with his jogging owner (who had much longer legs than him and wasn't prepared to wait and so could well have been appreciative of the turn of speed Logan inadvertantly provided!) and also, disgustingly, eating everything he could find, tissues, horse poo....remembered to put him on the lead before going past the garden he stole a bone from a while ago...

Mr K is home tomorrow, this means I lose control of the remote control, but I regain my hot water bottle and as the temperatures are staying wintery I think this is a good compromise!

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