Happy Roo

By ksfbonkers

Keep up Boris!

Do you remember Boris?

Well, at last, I found some doggies that I could run with today. Would you believe it, I came across Boris and his brother Finlay. I haven't seen them since last summer. I hit it off immediately with Finlay and we were running madly around the field. Boris had trouble keeping up and got a bit annoyed. He got so frustrated he got hold of Finlay's tail to try and stop him. That sounds OK but Finlay's tail stopped being its curly self and became straight both times Boris did it, and for quite some time. His people was a little worried that Finlay's tail would never be the same. Never happened before. I feel quite responsible for leading him astray (not really!), he he. It's OK though it became it's curly self again eventually.

Oh, and Dotty joined the pack for a romp! Have met Dotty before, she's the pretty one in the lead!

Oh, and my first walk was wet and my second one sunny. My peoples thought you should know this. Why? No idea!

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