was my first impression when I discovered that the weather had not changed and the sky had stayed that unhappy grey.
I put the food for the the birds outside and took the pocket torch with me to enlighten a little scene of Cladonias I had seen before. I'll have to keep trying a bit more before I can show it here. Nearby I saw the leaf and it asked to be my blip for today.
After lunch Piet Hein and I drove to the supermarket, left the car there, and walked along the Weser, but in the opposite direction from our yesterday's walk.
The Weser floats there between the steep hills, covered with trees, a quieter walk, with a more romantic touch. A man with a dog walks in the distance.
When we meet he tells us it could start snowing in the evening. He hurries to go home, it is cold, watery cold. I feel it too and I am still tired of the long trip that we made yesterday.
We walk till we come to the oak, a beautiful one, that inspired Mischa and me always when we walk there. Piet Hein wants to catch that oak with the river and I agree that it is the perfect spot for his goal.

I saw some hilaric lines in my journal that I wrote when I was fifteen. I write that I was given a baby doll by my parents, light yellow coloured, the fabric is batist. I can see it in my memory clearly. I loved it. My mother tells me that I may only wear this at Sundays.
I comment to myself that this is not going to happen.
Baby dolls I guess do not exist any longer. Anyway not in my life.

My haiku:

She lays there alone
Only one big eye left I
Search the other one

And the proverb:

The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow.

1847 in M.A. Denham, A collection of proverbs ...relating to the weather.

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