Under-dressed women....

...on George Street? Surely not!

I spent the morning in the office and then walked back as far as Elm Row, which turned out to be quite a productive lunch break; I spent my brother's birthday book token on two books that I'd been after , I had a chat with a pleasant lady in the bank who I think understood that if she didn't bother me I wouldn't bother her (far too many chatty letters and phone calls recently), traversed through John Lewis without spending anything and visited the inestimable Tattie Shaw's.

On my way along George Street I noticed these inadequately clad ladies on a frieze at the top of a building. There was quite a cold wind blowing, no wonder they all look distressed. Further along the frieze to the left are some more of them, along with a Latin palindrome - I couldn't fit it all in the one frame, but I found that jackjack had previously blipped the left hand half!

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