bucks life

By bucksmiss

Bargain bunches

I bought a little bit of Spring to the house in the form of a dozen cut hyacinths being sold off cheap for £1.58 at Waitrose tonight and here they are still in the bag. They smell divine and look wonderful in my sitting room.

Spent most of the day trying not to work. Chaired an admin and finance meeting for my local business improvement district. A tad more interesting than it sounds because of the differing characters, but only a tad.

Had a relaxed evening in front the fire with two episodes of series 3 Breaking Bad. I'm going to be bereft next week as both lodgers will be away and, as we're watching BB together, I've got to exercise restraint and wait til they get back before getting my next fix (if you'll excuse the pun).... Might have to try West Wing instead which my bro highly recommends or..... possibly get out and get a life!

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