A Spoonful of Sugar…….

Having targeted first salt and then fat, the establishment has taken on sugar as public enemy no 1.
It is now the bad boy in our diet and we are inviting obesity and diabetes 2 if we indulge. Forget the bars of chocolates, scrumptious cakes and biscuits, sugar is hidden by the manufacturers in everything from tomato ketchup and breakfast cereals to bread, which leaves not a lot of individual choice in what and what not to eat other than vegetables and maybe unsweetened, unsalted porridge.

A diet with low fat, minimal salt and little sugar sounds too bland to contemplate, so in the meantime there are the remaining mince pies and Christmas chocolates to finish, not to mention having a double helping of this wonderful dessert at a lunch today with our cycling friends, LeeAnne's parents. There are so many spoonfuls of sugar in this meringue delight that they probably exceed the recommended amount for a month, but boy was it wonderful!

His Lordship and I never fail to feel grateful to have friends with whom we can let our hair down and laugh for four hours at a stretch while having double helpings of something so naughty and so nice.

Thank you to Neil and Norma for a lovely afternoon.

If your ears were burning today LeeAnne, it could only have been in a good way, honest!

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