Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

Kirkie Uni in the rain

Quiet day today - resting up a bit.
Pounding headache most of the day, so went for a walk in the afternoon for some fresh air.

Blipped Kirkintilloch University in the rain.

Had a walk round the marina, still a completely empty building. Saw a sign up saying a new Kirkintilloch Arts Centre was going to be built. Is it just me, or is it just all a bit of a white elephant? There goes more of my taxpayers money (or maybe it's just the poor tax - ie the lottery).

Day got better, as everyone came round for curry later. I think I ate too much (actually - I know I ate too much). So did most people, with SD and Goretex having to lie out on the couches.

Extra hour in bed!....playing the morning service shouldn't be too bad.

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