Time flies...

My 600th blip already!!

After yesterday's frustrations, I was looking forward to some pampering today.
I bought a deal on Groupon for 3 treatments for £20; I opted for a facial, a manicure & a back massage.
Bearing in mind it was a cheap deal, I kept an open mind about what to expect......

Not the best start; when I arrived at the salon the door was locked, I had to ring and ask to be let in!! This was mid morning so not like I was the first client of the day.
I'd gone 10 minutes early, thinking that usually you have to fill in a medical form, but they just asked a few allergy questions and that was that.
I was then kept waiting over 20 minutes before the lady was ready to start my manicure. That was ok, but she's no Charlotte (my regular nail tech).

We then moved to an upstairs room for the facial and massage; it was freezing! The salon was a converted terraced house with big rooms and high ceilings, so understandably difficult to keep warm.
The lady who was doing this part of the treatment had just been out for a fag break, so smelled really strongly of cigarettes; not what you want when you're in such close contact.

The facial was ok, apart from the water being cold and her incessant yapping. I complained I was cold so she put the fire on for all of five minutes before saying she was too warm and switched it off! Hello!!! I'm undressed here!!

The massage was really basic; a far cry from what I've had before. I'd asked for her to work out a few knots in my shoulder but all I got was 20 minutes (at a guess) of back rubbing; interjected with the frequent thump of her watch on the treatment couch (checking the time).

For what I'd paid it was ok but I was disappointed. Maybe I've been spoiled before or just lucky to have a great therapist?

We are off to Laura & Steves again tonight, so I will quiz her about massage & facial techniques (as she has her own salon) to see if I'm being an over critical DramaQueen!

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