
By WeeDragon_J

Reflections of A Garden Gate

Very wet today. Went into Davidson's Mains to photo some buildings. Was taking a photo of the Parish Church with reflection in big puddle, stepped aside to let car into car park, and he decided to drive right thru the puddle to get as close as possible to drop offspring off.

Then proceeded to tell me it was stupid to photograph puddles. ;-( so I went back when the eejit had gone, but had lost some of the puddle water for reflection. Spent the rest of the trip, trying of find puddles. ;-)

The blip is of the gate to the Japanese Peace Garden at Lauriston Castle.

But got a few more pics of puddles including the signs at junction of Quality Street and Main Street. Need to get more practice at taking 'stupid' puddle reflections. ;-D

Saw heron and pheasants again at Lauriston Castle but mainly skooting squirrels day.

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