
Went in today to change some stuff and take photos for my photo course challenge "travel photography" - all rubbish.

I liked this as whilst my camera was out I came across some familiar backs-of-heads. They wouldn't look at me of course.

Drama tonight as we had a big thunderstorm which knocked the power out, and I came home from shopping to candles and no light on the ground floor. (including oven where I was supposed to be preparing tea).

Martin and I (like most couples) have roles and responsibilities within the relationship, Ours are not particularly traditional, for example Martin cooks, and I do the bins and the garden....

Nevertheless he does the electrics and since he is away skiing it was left to me to turn on the lights! I considered appealing to our neighbour and also to our friends to "send a man round" but no....

...I identified the fuse box, switched everything off, found where we keep the fuse wire and replaced it, in the dark with candles and torches...James was amazing!

Pretty proud of us!

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