Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Confusion and dark skies

This is a somewhat confused picture.

It's at a location that I go to when I want space, and want to be on my own, and usually it brings me great peace, but not today.

Today the sea was violent, angry, turbulent, aggressive - frightening.

It was smashing against the shore as though it was trying to throw itself up the coastline and get to me and damage and harm me. It looked like some demented monster scrabbling and thrashing at me... perhaps it reveals my state of mind.

What a day though. We had the Remembrance Service for our colleague at work which I was involved in a lot. I arrived home and just collapsed with fatigue and built-up stress. I'm exhausted.

We are just not dealing well with his loss for various reasons that I can't go into here. It's hit everyone so hard.

I have so much more I'd like to say on this blog about this location and about the day, almost as a process of catharsis, but I don't want to bore everyone.

I am just grateful that we're not flying.

The lights you can see in the bottom left are those of a semi-sub which is sheltering from the storm. I am going to hunt it down tomorrow and try and get some better pictures of it, although the weather is due to worsen onshore again tomorrow.

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