Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Storm hits

I have been trying to upload this pic since about 2230 on the 26th and it's now 0150 on the 27th. The joys of living in Shetland in a storm!

I did a big blog about storms and the future and the global economy and blah blah blah, but I've lost the lot because the weather is so bad it's taken down the internet link so I just want to get this pic up and go to bed.


It's gusting Hurricane Force 12, which is what is going to hit the world economy when we finally figure out that there's no recovery, there's no going back to the good old days and that the banks have screwed us over yet again, and that the debt they keep going on about is far far worse than they are actually letting on. We're screwed.

And where will we find shelter from THAT storm?

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