bucks life

By bucksmiss

Land of Hope & Glory!

I went to sleep last night listening to a meditation app. It obviously did the trick as I was dead to the world until 9:30am when an online delivery lady knocked sharply at the front door. I leapt out of bed and must've given her a fright with my terrible bed head hair and my really frumpy nightie!

After a decent workout at the gym and admin at home, I had a great Skype chat with my stepmum and brother in Kenya. She's having a mad time getting roped into their projects, talking milking with the farmers, taking motorbike taxis, partying with the young guns and coping with the heat. Glad the sun hat I lent her is proving useful. I miss her as we speak a lot when she's home and coffee together most Saturdays but am so glad she's having this fabulous adventure.

I was invited for supper at another brother's house. I haven't seen his dog Bilbo for a while and got some lovely doggy cuddles from him as always :). We then toddled off to St Mary's Church, Banbury for their annual variety show. It was an eclectic mix to say the least with nearly 3 hours of ....wait for it....ballet, tap dancing, a rendition of a Midsummer Night's Dream with some rap (eh?), Choral music, poetry recitals, piano recitals, musical hits, opera, a talented 11-year-old singing Pie Jesu and much, much more... Luckily the pews had cushions :) and I must say most of it was of a surprisingly high standard.

We went specifically to see my eldest niece, P, who was playing fiddle in her sixth form folk rock band. They were very good, although their front man needs to brush up on his beginnings and endings as they rather petered out. P is amazingly talented and confident on the violin and it's a joy to see and hear.

So my blip is of the finale which was modelled on the Last Night of the Proms. They handed out union jack flags and we sang Land of Hope & Glory (all three verses - who knew?) as well as Rule Britannia and finished with Jerusalem. All very British and patriotic, what! Rather strange to say the least but quite good fun nonetheless especially as a family we love a good sing song.

Exhausted now and even feared I might not get my blip done before the carriage turned back into a pumpkin.... I'm blip addicted.

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