My 40th year

By 54r4h

Best birthday ever!

Late blip as just came back from my 40th birthday party, its 3am, it was epic! so good I have managed to lose my handbag and iphone so have downloaded this pic from my friends facebk site. It was just the best night ever, I feel really blessed to have so many fabulous friends. There was a lot of love in the room and also a lot of groovy dancing! So many friends came from far away and they all looked so beautiful. I feel really honoured and lucky that my friends came, danced, met each other and were happy for Mark and I. My gushing blip is not at all to do with the 10 tequilas i knocked back, tomorrows blip may well be terrible. Brilliant brilliant night. Big love x (btw this is my friend Natasha, Bash, who has been a close to my heart friend since I was 19 and we met at uni, much loved).

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