My 40th year

By 54r4h

A bit Glam

I'm not at all keen of photos of myself, one of my main reasons for taking the photos. However Jane took this photo of me pointing at my fabulous new Pandora wrap bracelet to send to Lucy and Katy to say thank you and I look a bit glam! Jane, Linz, Lucy and Katy have bought me a great present all together. I feel very lucky and spoilt not just for the lovely gift but that they know me so well and chose exactly right. Today I am buoyed up on the loveliness of my friends and other people.

The Space NK ladies made a fuss over me having my four oh party and could not beLIEVE that I last bought foundation 13 years ago for my wedding! Next I went to see Alison who waxed everything possible and is luckily funny enough to counteract the pain she inflicts. Then off to Jennie's house for a makeup practice, I hardly ever wear makeup so just this small amount makes a huge difference! Jennie was so careful and caring it was really good fun. After school was NCT tea at Lindsay's house. India , Lottie and Hannah had a great time making up a show. Jane ( the fixer) ordered me some shoes online that will go with my dress and arranged next day delivery. Phew. We raced home as my cousin Matt, his wife Carla and their daughter Sophie were arriving after a 5 hour drive. Sophie is in between India and Heidi in age and we call her our missing middle child as when they get together they interact as if they are siblings and love each other dearly. My brother facetimed me later on in the evening, it's so cold where he is and I'm going to really miss him busting a move on the dance floor tomorrow.

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