As Told By Ginger

By 9to12



I went to the foot doctor this morning to get it checked out. No fracture, but he said it was a "muscle tendon strain" whatever that means. Still not sure how this happened because I don't even remember stepping funny or anything. It was bruised a lot worse this morning, but you don't want to see that.

I went from the podiatrist to Band Day. At Band Day, 5th-8th grade Wantagh band kids come and learn some music from the Wind Ensemble members. At the end of the day, we put on a joint concert and it's great. I just spent the morning helping out because (not surprisingly) there weren't any little bassoonists. The concert went really well and I had a ton of fun doing it.

Errands with mom after Band Day. Home for dinner, calc, then calc/Mission Possible at KP's with Ave.

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