An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

A bad day for my camera

This is the first native bee I have seen in my garden for two or three weeks (it's a Megachile ferox, I think) and my camera chose that moment to play up! The ants were biting my feet, so I was doing my funny ant hop/dance thing where I brush them off one foot/ankle with the other foot, swop, repeat etc.

But before that, I finally lost the eye cup. I had one that was broken replaced by Olympus (you may recall the loan Nikon I had then) but the ridiculous design fault means that they come off too easily. Usually it comes off in the camera bag, but this time it must be at school. I was watering the veggie garden (my last time before school goes back on Wednesday) with my camera over my shoulder and though we went back and looked, it was not to be find. It's probably hidden amongst the lush tomatoes or cucumbers... I'll have to ask the teacher to look out for it. Very annoying, as light creeps in without it.

But now, my camera is barely usable anyway. All of a sudden, when trying to catch this very flighty, never still for a second bee, the viewfinder went all white. The monitor is fine and it still takes photos, but the viewfinder is no use at all. So this image was taken virtually blind (I'm amazed it's in focus!) as I just don't use the monitor for taking images – it's out of focus without my reading glasses on and too hard to see in the sun.

I have just had a quick google and can only find one reference so far to the same problem and it was over a year and a half ago and there didn't seem to be any resolution to the thread... looks like it might have to go back to Olympus again. When I first bought the camera, the viewfinder didn't work properly and they had to give me another camera. I love the camera (though now I'd like the E-M1, of course), but it does seem to be a bit temperamental.


(it's OK large too)

Just noticed that this time last year I got a nice blue banded bee image – and I have still not seen any this season!

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