You can always rely ......

..... on a good (Tesco) flower for an inside shot on a wet Sunday - not just a wet Sunday but a "hissling-down-all-morning-and-into-the-afternoon" Sunday!!!

I didn't put this one out in the rain, just used my water spray, black background, a +4 magnifier and trusty little LED torch again .... and, once more, the colours came out pretty true to life - I'm learning, slowly!!!

Pale yellow ....... with a touch of noise (sorry)

Not a lot else to say really .... wet, windy and cold, no new news for Mum, I'm still frustrated and she's still a bit fed-up - other than that ... nada, zilch, zip, zero!

Many, many thanks (again) for the last two days of comments, stars and hearts - both for my special blipday and for my best boy, Shadow.

Big thanks also for the positive messages re: Mum ..... you're helping to keep my spirits up.

NIKON D5200 : f/5.6 : 1/8" : 85mm : ISO 250

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