Slow blip day

As you can see I really need to get out more.In fact I have been out fixing fences in a very flooded Chester.I love wasting my Sunday on this sort of crap but it had to be done I suppose.
Decided to spend a little time messing with this blip because it is infinitely better than watching Country File,which gets more removed from the reality of the countryside and becomes increasingly twee with every passing episode.As it lines up more people every week to tell farmers how they should be producing food and looking after the countryside from the comfort of their desks in a job that does not rely on running a business and making yourself a living.They would soon start to bleat if this put the price of the pre packaged food up in their nearest hypermarket.I love these people who's only experience of the countryside is walking in it.Can you tell this has seriously pi_ _ed me off?Still musn't grumble.

Best part of today was fitting new windscreen wipers to my car.Those fitted originally by BMW made a slight squeak which was a serious irritation.The new ones are silent.

Very heavy rain at times and strong winds.Forecast to turn colder next week.Hope this is not correct and the Met Office have made the mistake of looking out of the wrong window.

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