
By angrymidget73

Blast from the past!!!

Well I survived the sleep ova! Just! Woke up after just a couple of hours rest to discover I've got a dead arm :( unfortunately, it's my left arm! And yep, I'm left handed. The roast has been postponed as I have no strength and the shopping was done with help from my little turtle bear! If he can manage with one hand so can I! Not sure how I'm gonna tackle the washing up or ironing but I'm sure I'll manage eventually. And I believe a little insight into how my brave boy copes is invaluable. I'm already finding it extremely frustrating!! He just pastes on a smile and gets on with it so I guess I better follow his lead! ;) On the plus side I did come across some tasty treats whilst shopping! Haven't had fish'N'chips since I was a kid! Happy days!! :)

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