
By angrymidget73

Feeling like a chemist......

Well if it isn't one thing, it's another!! Woke up in excruciating pain in my shoulder early hours of this morning and realised this isn't just your usual chill in the joint pain :( so off I trot again to my very wonderful drs, I swear I have my own seat in that waiting room!! Lol after careful examination I've been told I have adhesive capsulitis more commonly known as frozen shoulder :( more drugs to take and I've been told the condition could and commonly last for up to 3 years!! :( so after feeling very sorry for myself for about an hour my sunny side raised her head and said 'well at least it isn't permanent!' Everything happens for a reason. I just wish I knew what the reason was!! Maybe it's my bodies way of saying 'your over doing it, so now we are going to make it impossible for you too!' I have other medical issues that mean I'm supposed to take it easy but as a mum of 3 that's an impossibility!! Lol so it's back to rattling as I walk which I'll be doing more of now as driving is a little difficult with only one arm!! At least I might shed a few lbs!! :) every cloud and all that. I'll try to stay positive and as mobile as I can and try not to be a burden to those around me :)

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