Evening clearance

A dire day today down in darkest Kent. Started dull and got duller and wetter as the day wore on. Didn't really get going 'til gone midday, then wrote my report of yesterday's match and did the grocery shopping on line.

After lunch - which for me included a fried vegetarian haggis sandwich- we decided to load up with the wet weather gear and go out walking anyway. Just as we left the house the clouds began to lift and the weather started to brighten.

Soon we were hit by a couple of sharp showers as we made our way around Mote Park. A large tree had come down across the path in yesterday's storm. Just after that the setting sun lit up the sky and highlighted the winter trees and puddles - so that was today's blip taken care of.

Came home to make supper - a recipe called Mum's Spag Bol, which had minced beef, carrots, tomatoes in various guises and served with grated cheddar cheese on top - and to talk to Chris in San Diego where he says the weather is warm!

Made more inroads into the Clootie Dumpling for pudding - only half of it left now. Some serious eating to do this week to finish it off.

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