Clootie dumpling for Burns Night

We've never celebrated Burns night before despite Susan being born in Edinburgh and spending her formative years in Glasgow. So this is a first. Haggis (vegetarian) followed by Clootie Dumpling.

We piped in the haggis and toasted it with Taliskar (my favourite) and ate it with the traditional neeps and tatties. Very good. Meanwhile the dumpling was cooking in the microwave and overflowing. It was excellent with vanilla ice cream. After yesterday's disaster we had tonight's triumph.

I was going to post a shot of the Bell House in Bearsted or a shot from today's rugby match but was won over by the Clootie Dumpling.

Quite amazing weather as I drove home from Leigh, near Tonbridge. Violent thunderstorm lighting up the night sky, torrential rain and tremendous gusts of wind. So strong that 5 trees were blown down partially blocking the main road between Tonbridge and Maidstone. Tree debris everywhere, branches, twigs strewn all over the road and deep puddles everywhere. Fortunate to get home in one piece.

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