
No, not me. It's been a mix of a good day and a very crappy day.

Fact one is that we're still in a recession despite what the media says. It's hard to provide pay increases, buy new software, and go to more conferences when revenue is down XX percent. Actually, we're lucky to still all have our jobs!

Fact two. Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

Fact three. I almost would like to have the recession here in NZ been a bit harder. In the early 90's I had a terrible time getting a job. Had to accept any job I could get - took me nearly 4 years to find a role I liked, and even then it was terribly paid. But I loved it and was thankful. Not many people know this, but I even went on the dole (unemployment). Seems it's different these days now that we live in the land of everlasting milk and honey.

Fact four. Despite the forecasts (and expectation) of doom and gloom for the next few months, I believe we're in a brilliant position. Further tough times ahead but we have a great team, great products and ideas, and a great platform to benefit from an upswing. The risks we're taking will be worth it.

Fact five. Some staff do get it and put in the extra effort; I'd like to ensure they are the first to benefit.

Then we'll all be smiling!

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